Mans Organic

posted on Friday, May 3, 2024 in CHP Case Studies

Project Overview

Mans Organic is a family-owned and operated farm started in 1994 located in Coaldale, AB Canada. Mans Organic grows organic produce such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and more. They have both a large outdoor field as well as multiple indoor greenhouses. The indoor greenhouses allow them to grow all year round. 

Mans Organic installed a YANMAR 35KW CHP unit to offset high electrical use and to recover heat from existing hydronic loop for their warehouse heating. 

The CHP unit installation was handled by YANMAR partner Co-Genergy, Calgary AB.


YANMAR CHP was selected for the energy savings possibilities. The CHP system would reduce peak utility cost, CHP uses natural gas to create electricity and heat.  Additionally, the CHP unit will help lower their carbon footprint. The YANMAR CHP installation was simple allowing for basic engineering and integration into their building management system. 


It is estimated the CHP will save 100 tons of CO2 every year. They also save on natural gas costs from no longer having to run a boiler. 

The initial investment cost was supported from the Emissions Reduction Alberta incentive. Mans Organic is also doing net metering, additional electricity can be exported back to the grid that can be used for credit for high consumption times. 

Initially Mans Organic had concerns about noise, they were happy with how quiet the CHP system is. Furthermore, the YANMAR CHP easily integrated with their Building Management System.